Budget Documents

2024-25 Budget

The 2024-25 Budget includes core operations and all entities government controls. It is the Government of Saskatchewan’s main financial plan outlining key investments in programs, services and capital.

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2024-25 Estimates

The Estimates are the Province's detailed General Revenue Fund expenditure plan, presented to the Legislative Assembly for the fiscal year commencing April 1 and ending March 31.

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2024-25 Budget Address

The Honourable Donna Harpauer, Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance will rise in the house to deliver the 2024-25 Budget on March 20, 2024.

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2024-25 Budget Highlights Card

Classroom, Care and Communities: 2024-25 Budget highlights.

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Budget Basics

An overview of the reporting entity, spending authority, accounting basis, and more - as well as a listing of all government organizations that are part of the reporting entity.

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2024-25 Budget Factsheet

A look at some of the key investments of the 2024-25 budget.

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2023-24 Supplementary Estimates No. 2

Supplementary Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024.

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Discours du budget de

L'honorable Donna Harpauer, Ministre des Finances, le 20 mars 2024.

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Faits saillants du budget de 2024-2025

Un aperçu de certains des principaux investissements du budget de 2024-25.

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News Releases

Check out the news releases on Budget 2024-25.

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2024-25 Capital Action Plan

The 2024-25 Budget provides the biggest infrastructure investment in Saskatchewan history to support growth and meet the needs of communities and individuals across the province.

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2024-25 Capital Map

Government of Saskatchewan 2024-25 major capital projects map.


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Previous Budgets

Previous budget documents and backgrounders.


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