Low-income supports

The 2024-25 Provincial Budget provides support for Saskatchewan’s most-vulnerable residents, helping low-income individuals and families meet their basic needs as they work to become more self-sufficient.

Budget highlights include:

  • $152 million for the Saskatchewan Low-Income Tax Credit – a refundable, non-taxable benefit paid to help low-income households.
  • $17 million for the Saskatchewan Employment Incentive to make life more affordable for low-income working families.
  • A $7.4-million investment to increase monthly benefits for Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) clients, bringing the total program investment to $257.2 million. These investments include:
    • Increasing the Adult Basic Benefit and Shelter Benefit by three per cent, an increase of up to $60 per household per month; and
    • The Alternate Heating Benefit - for households that use alternative heating sources, such as wood, electricity or propane - will increase by $30 per month.
  • A $6.3-million increase to raise Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) monthly Living Income Benefits by three per cent, resulting in an increase of up to $55 per household per month.
    • Total funding for SAID has grown to $307.1 million in 2024. 
  • The Saskatchewan Housing Corporation will invest $83.4 million in the repair and maintenance of provincially owned housing units to provide affordable rental options to people and families in 280 communities across the province.
    • This includes an additional $9.6 million in provincial funding to prevent and reduce vacancies and respond to the increasing demand for social housing.